The professional way to start an email

Most people worry about the professional way to start an email but it needn’t be so scary, after all, you are writing to another person just like yourself.

And that’s the biggest thing people get wrong, they think they are writing to a committee or a board of directors or something, you’re writing to a real person so, be yourself. So for best results keep it fun but simple.

Is this the professional way to start an email for best results

Let’s give it a go shall we…

Dear Friend.

No, No, No that’s all wrong, isn’t it?


Still not right.

So, it’s not easy is it?

Think about it, you have to get them to stop what they are doing (most likely frantically clicking the delete button on their email client) and pay attention to what you are asking of them.

Wow, this ‘really’ isn’t easy is it?

How do you do that? How do you stop a person mid click when they ‘really’ want to delete your email.

Now, I’m going to be the first to admit that I don’t know what you are trying to achieve. I don’t know if you know this person you are emailing or not but I’m going to give you some tips that will help you to break through the noise and fog of today’s marketing and hopefully reach them.

You’re probably going to be thinking that this isn’t the professional way to start an email but hey, it works.

How about:


Greetings {firstname} (You know their firstname… right?)

I wanted to write you a nice professional email to get your attention but I wrote this instead.

Can’t win them all I suppose.

But since you are reading this I have some GOOD NEWS! did you know that {your company} has invented a widget that will dramatically slash the cost of doing business in your town.

if you want to find out more you can visit a webpage that will tell you all about it

or you can call me on 555 xxx xxxx or email at

Best Regards

Tom Sawyer


Is that the professional way to start an email? who knows. But the technique works.

I suggest you follow up, send another a few days later along the lines of “Did you get the awful email I sent the other day?”

Your biggest challenge is to get them to read it, so, you have to be different from all the other marketing messages out there.

If you want to talk to me about your options or to say ‘Hey can you just do this for me’ you can contact me here.